We encourage children to wear school uniform and take a pride in their appearance.
Our Uniform:
- Royal Blue Sweat shirt with the school logo
- White, pale blue or royal blue polo shirts
- Black or grey trousers or skirt
- Black shoes – not trainers
- PE– White t-shirt, blue shorts, tracksuit, trainers and a small P.E. bag. There is also a green school hoodie that can be worn for PE lessons.
Coats, fleeces, book bags and PE bags with the school logo on are also available. Uniform can be purchased from Instant Images in Torrington. They offer a click and collect service at www.instantimagesembroidery.co.uk . Click on the school uniform tab then on Beaford school to browse items available.
For safety reasons only stud earrings and watches may be worn at school. All Jewellery is to be removed for P.E lessons.
We ask that children with long hair wear this up during the school day.
Personal Possessions
Mobile phones, games etc are not to be brought into school. However in an exceptional circumstance that a child requires a personal possession after school, these items may be brought in and handed into the school office until the end of the day.